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This list gives details of the books, articles and essays published by members of the state prayers project, and by Joseph Hardwick on special acts of worship in the empire. 




National Prayers: Special Worship since the Reformation, 4 volumes (Church of England Record Society/Boydell) 


vol. 1: Special prayers, fasts and thanksgivings in the British Isles, 1533–1688 (2013) 

vol. 2: General fasts, thanksgivings and special prayers in the British Isles, 1689–1870 (2017) 

vol. 3: Worship for national and royal occasions in the United Kingdom, 1871–2012 (2020)  

vol. 4: Anniversary commemorations, additional material and indices 1533–2023 (2025) 


Joseph Hardwick, Providence, prayer and empire: special worship in the British world, 1783–1919  (Manchester University Press, 2021) 



British Isles 

Philip Williamson, ‘State prayers, fasts and thanksgivings: public worship in Britain 1830–97’Past and Present 200 (2008), 121–74


Natalie Mears, ‘Praying for Britain’, BBC History Magazine 11(4) (2009), 46–51 


Alasdair Raffe, ‘Nature's scourges: the natural world and special prayers, fasts and thanksgivings, 1543–1866’, in God's bounty? The churches and the natural world, ed. Peter Clarke and Tony Claydon (Studies in Church History, 46, 2010), 237–47 


Stephen Taylor, George III’s recovery from madness celebrated: precedent and innovation in the observance of royal celebrations and commemorations’, in From the Reformation to the permissive society, ed. Melanie Barber and Stephen Taylor with Gabriel Sewell (Church of England Record Society, 18; Woodbridge, 2010), 211–67 

Natalie Mears, ‘Brought to book: special book purchases in English parishes, 1558–1640’, in Negotiating the Jacobean printed book, ed. Peter Langham (Farnham, 2011), 29–44 

Natalie Mears, ‘Public worship and political participation in Elizabethan England’, Journal of British Studies  51 (2012), 4–25 


Natalie Mears, ‘Special nationwide worship and the Book of Common Prayer in England, Wales and Ireland, 1533–1642’, in Worship and the parish church in early modern Britain, ed. Natalie Mears and Alec Ryrie (Farnham, 2013), 31–72 


Philip Williamson, ‘National days of prayer: the churches, the state and public worship in Britain 1899–1957’, English Historical Review 128 (2013), 323–66 

Natalie Mears, ‘Paul's Cross and nationwide special worship, 1533–1642’, in Paul's Cross and the culture of persuasion in England, 1520–1640, ed. Torrance Kirby and P.G. Stanwood (Leiden, 2014), 41–60 

Natalie Mears, ‘The culture of fasting in early Stuart parliaments’Parliamentary History 39 (2020), 423–41 

Natalie Mears and Philip Williamson,‘The “holy days” of Queen Elizabeth I’, History  105 (2020), 201–28 

Philip Williamson and Natalie Mears, ‘James I and Gunpowder treason day’, Historical Journal 64 (2021), 185-210)


Philip Williamson, 'The Prayer Book and pandemics'Faith & Worship, 88 (2021), 6-17 

Philip Williamson, 'Special acts of worship in Anglo-Jewry, 1700-1970', Jewish Historical Studies 53 (2022), 1-33

Philip Williamson, Special acts of worship in Anglo-Jewry 1700–1970: an addendum, Jewish Historical Studies 54 (2023), 98–100

Philip Williamson, ‘The British state and spiritual mobilization during the Second World War’, in British Christianity and the Second World War, ed. Michael Snape and Stuart Bell (Boydell, 2023), 25–45

Joseph Hardwick, ‘Cows, communities and religious responses to the 1865–66 British rinderpest outbreak’, Journal of Religious History 48 (2024), 153–71

Philip Williamson and Natalie Mears, ‘The creation of state anniversaries: James VI and I and the politics of thanksgiving’, English Historical Review 140 (2025)

British empire 


Joseph Hardwick, ‘Special days of worship and national religion in the Australian colonies, 1790–c. 1914’Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 45 (2017), 365–90 


Joseph Hardwick, ‘Fasts, thanksgivings, and senses of community in nineteenth-century Canada and the British empire'Canadian Historical Review 98 (2017), 675–703 


Joseph Hardwick and Philip Williamson, ‘Special worship in the British empire: from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries’, in The Church and Empire, ed. Stewart Brown, Charlotte Methuen and Andrew Spicer (Studies in Church History, 54, 2018), 260–80 

Joseph Hardwick and Randall J. Stephens, ‘Acts of God: continuities and change in Christian responses to extreme weather events from early modernity to the present’WIREs (Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews) Climate Change 11/2 (2020).

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